Welcome to our school websiteScoil Chomáin Naofa, is a six teacher school, four mainstream teachers and a full time learning support teacher. Presently it has the services of a resource teacher. Margaret McGing is the Principal. Other members of staff are Carol Walsh, Marianne Forde, , Sandra Galvin, Nicola Costello, Ciara Glynn and Gillian O' Connor. The school has the services of a secretary - Deirdre Jennings. Gerry McHugh is our part time school caretaker.
Helen worked above and beyond what was asked of her, even though at times, she could be under serious pressure in the office .She was a counsellor to all. This was not part of the job description! If children fell or needed comfort, she was there with open arms and soothing words. If any of the staff needed a sounding board, she listened without judgement. Helen took a personal interest in all those she dealt with. Helen’s illness came as great shock to all of us. She bore it with remarkable strength and unstinting optimism.Helen was a true friend and we as a staff are privileged to have known her.
On 9th January 2014 we planted a tree on the school grounds in memory of her. She will never be forgotten. |